Tokenomics and Allocation
Tokyo Manji Coin Token Info:
ERC-20 Contract: 0x5B30E44C103B178EbBEb4f81dAa88A3a73757F33
Transaction Taxation
On every transaction, certain taxes are made in order to sustain the protocol. The total taxes for every buy and sell are 3%
1% is used for marketing ensuring sustained growth
1% is used for development
1% is sent to the liquidity, and decrease price impact of each transaction
Anti-whale mechanics are in place where max wallet allowed is 1%
Supply 1,000,000,000
Token Allocation
The current allocation is distributed as follows:
Total Tokyo Manji Coin Supply: 1,000,000,000
Initial Liquidity pool: 95%
Toman Treasury: 5%
Ownership of the contract has been renounced
Last updated